Hilal Perdana Kreasi (HPK)

Mewujudkan Inovasi di Dunia Properti

Didirikan pada 29 Oktober 2010, HPK berpusat di Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan, Banten. Sebagai perusahaan yang berakar dari dorongan jiwa entrepreneur, kami memusatkan diri pada pengembangan kreativitas optimal dan potensial.
HPK memainkan peran aktif dalam mendapatkan dukungan dari berbagai sektor, termasuk institusi, swasta, dan instansi pemerintah. Menawarkan layanan unggulan di bidang General Contractor, Development, Interior Design, dan Supplier

Every Space Count
Every Space Count

Why Choose Us

Real Estates

Boasting a team of seasoned professionals in the real estate industry, with years of hands-on experience and a track record of success in fulfilling customer needs.

Interior Space

Prioritizing high-quality and eco-friendly materials, we create designs that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also sustainable. Adaptable to various budgets, we provide solutions that align with your financial plan without compromising quality.

Free Consultation

Providing tailored consultations to meet your needs, making sure each meeting delivers relevant solutions and information.

Where to find us

Please visit us at our available address

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